Understanding reported changes in median income

This is the time of year when the Census Bureau releases data on the income and health in the United States. It is also a time when in the rush to tell the American people what is happening in the nation and in their own communities that the media gets the story very badly wrong. […]

Recession has further polarized families

Such was the title of a piece in the Washington Post on a report by Zhenchao Qian in the Department of Sociology of The Ohio State University titled: “Divergent Paths of American Families” The title was actually used in the print edition of the article. The online edition title was “Children suffer from growing economic […]

Unintended pregnancies

The Guttmacher Institute released a report this past Monday titled: “Unintended Pregnancy Rates at the State Level: Estimates for 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008.” After reading the report I was reminded of a former supervisor’s term for statistical research that went too far. He called it “polishing to soles of your shoes.” I wonder if […]

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