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Romney, Wilmington Delaware, April 10, 2012: “Do you know how many women – what percent of the job losses were women? 92.3 percent of the job losses during the Obama years has been women who’ve lost those jobs. The real war on women has been the job losses as a result of the Obama economy,” […]
The numbers the media cites are wrong the claimed effect is trivial, so why is this news? Since United States tax returns must be filed by next Tuesday there was the inevitable story this week linking an increased risk a dying in an auto accident to tax day. The source was a “Research Letter” in […]
In today’s edition of the Washington Post there was an article “Obama holds clear lead over Romney” which presented results from a recent opinion survey on the current view of the public towards the two candidates. I want to focus on a small piece of how the results were presented. Below is a scanned image […]